No, this is not April Fools', I'm serious. I've been raw (on and off) for over a year and for the past month, for several reasons, more off then on. : ( That also means having eaten loaves of bread in one sitting every now and then! Yes, again, I'm serious! But this wonderful creation is so dense that even I can stop myself after two slices. Bread-making is not so common in raw kitchens. Raw chips and crackers are much more the mainstream substitute for everything that's normally made out of wheat flour. I thought I would change that, in my kitchen anyway, and try to come up with something that even looks like bread and can be used for sandwiches, etc. This is a version that is great for breakfast or an afternoon snack just because it's not savory with herbs or spices, which is what I would make for a veggie sandwich. The result is incredible. Perfect with nut butter and jam for a "peanut butter and jelly" sandwich. I happened to use almond butter and goji berries (excellent for the brain), a wonderful harmony, but I love it with just walnut butter (also perfect brain food) on it, yum.
If you find cardamon too strong then just skip it. It's unique enough that I imagine some of you might not be big fans. You'll still get your "cinnamon toast" out of this. It couldn't really get any better than that, right?
Raw Cardamon-Date-Cinnamon Bread
(Makes 7-8 slices)
1 cup buckwheat groats
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup golden flax seeds
6-7 medjool dates
3-4 pods cardamon
pinch of salt
optional: add your favorite sweetener to taste
1. Soak the buckwheat overnight then sprout for a day or two. The goal is not to end up with little tails but to make sure they're in the edible stage. Don't rinse them right before you use them. They'll have just enough moisture for the dough with a perfect texture.
2. Grind the flax seeds and the cardamon pods (if you're using them) in a spice grinder.
3. Place all the ingredients in a food processor and mix them until it all clumps together forming a ball of dough. You might need to scrape down the sides a couple of times to make sure everything is mixed in.
4. Shape your dough into a cube or whatever form you prefer. With a sharp knife, cut into ~1/4 in (6 mm) thick slices.
5. Gently place your slices onto a teflex sheet and dehydrate them for 1-2 hours at 115 ˚F (46˚C) then flip them onto a screen and continue dehydrating them for several hours.
6. Spread your favorite nut butter/coconut butter/cacao spread/jam/fruit paste, etc on it. I like to sprinkle with extra cinnamon too. It's a great snack to have around or to pack into a lunch box.
I'm so inspired.....It's time to make a savory loaf, or a sourdough imitation. After all, I live in the Bay Area....It should be famous for RAW sourdough too, right? : )
The sun is out so I'm off to harvest some vitamin D! Whoever decided to send some sunshine my way, thanks! See, I promised I would post this recipe once there's enough light for photos...
Your blog is great. I´ve made your raw marzipan and it came out sooooo good. The thing I miss about raw food is bread and this I have to make some day.
I blog about raw sweets and desserts, I have reasently started to bake raw and bouth me and my family loves it.I have discovered the raw food living and I love eating healthy it makes the body sing :-)
Thanks, Anna! I know, bread is sooo hard to give up! I hope you'll like this one. It's not a fluffy sourdough that you can dip in oil & herbs but it sure is a good thing to have around.. :)
Yummyy! it looks amazing!! I'd love to try it, but the buckwheat is soooo expensive here in Chile :( Would you recommend another cereal instead? Probably won't be the same, will it?
Oh, I'm sorry it's so expensive there but at least they're really light weight so if you can buy in bulk it shouldn't cost too much because you don't need a lot. For some reason most chips/crackers/bread sticks/pancakes/breads I've made so far I used some buckwheat in. I do want to come up with new ones using quinoa, maybe black rice or wild rice too but it looks like you might beat me to it unless I find some time soon. : ) Good luck!
OK! I see what I can do! Thanks for sharing and reply!
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