
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Up Close And Personal: One Year Without The "f-word" !!!

We are almost three weeks into the new year. By this time, most people have made new year's resolutions, tried to adhere to them and have given up/fallen off the wagon. It's hard to "force" a change in lifestyle or diet, or whatever area it may be. I always try to bring upon change when it feels right instead of scheduling it by looking at the calendar or tying it to an event. At the same time, many people are more inspired to make improvements in the beginning of the year and there is definitely a way to succeed.

Reasonable New Year's Resolutions is what it takes, if you ask me.

If the top of your list is say, "only eat dandelion greens" or "make a million dollars" in 2014, you might succeed, but I think your chances are much lower than when you aim at making a smaller step in improving your diet or eliminating one negative thing from your lifestyle, for example.

Coming out...
Growing up, and as a young adult, I never said any "bad words" and I couldn't stand hearing them but  one day I got a job somewhere where everybody cursed and it didn't take long for me to pick up on it and make it into a habit. And you know how things can stick with you, and so it did, much to my dismay :( for a long time.
I really couldn't stand hearing myself anymore so, among many things, quitting the f-word, was one of the items on my list for 2013 (and forever after) and I've made it!!! I must say it feels amazing!

I have come to realize that we touch others in so many ways, one of which is the way we communicate with them. On top of that, while communication takes many forms, our voice and the words we choose to use to express ourselves are quite important. This is especially true when we are on the phone, for example, when we are not face to face with the other person. But either way, what kind of energy is propagated by certain words and how does it "touch" the receiver?...  

What does it have to do with raw foods and why I decided to share (you might ask)?
When one opens up to this type of lifestyle and lets in all the goodness, magical things happen. I admit I was in disbelief three years ago when I started but everything I discovered through my initial research has proven to be true.

I'm no saint or an angel but I'd like to think that I've always been a good person and I do see and feel the difference since living this kind of lifestyle. My outlook on life in general has changed significantly. I'm even more in tune with nature than ever. I'm attracted to completely different personalities and some people's energy field I pick up on immediately and decide to "run".  Also, certain things that I might have not noticed before I now appreciate, while others simply don't resonate with me anymore.

Still, old habits can be hard to break (it was hard during the first three weeks) so, if you are inspired, just don't be too hard on yourself and keep trying. As with any change, be conscious of your journey, take it slowly, thank yourself for trying every day, and don't give up, no matter how often you fall back. If you are determined, sooner or later you will see results.

A side note: by no means do I suggest that people who don't curse are, in any way, better than those who do! In fact, many recall that it's their past environment that influenced them and while they're not in that environment anymore and are not around the same people, that habit stuck with them. Whether they're conscious of it or not... Yes, it's a hard one to quit. It slips out so easily, especially when one is hurt, frustrated or angry.
I am absolutely aware of this. That is why I feel that it is an accomplishment. And I repeat, it feels AMAZING!

If you decide to make this year your first (in a long time) cursing-free year, I wish you the best!
I'm on to a new challenge now! ; )

Happy 2014!

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