
Friday, January 24, 2014

The "Pretty Complexion Citrus Blend"

As simple as it is, I must share with you the most recent thing I'm hooked on!  It is just so delicious and refreshing. I know most, if not all, followers of the 80/10/10 diet would approve too! : )

This "Vitamin C Citrus Blend Evolution" started when I realized that it was too early to try to eat tangerines a few weeks (!!!) after oral surgery.  Yep, I knew that it was not just hurting to try to chew but I was not chewing properly and a lot of the fruit was swallowed in large chunks, especially the pith. Obviously NOT ideal!
So, what's a health-conscious girl to do? I wanted to keep eating citrus but to get all the benefits too and that includes all the bioflavanoids (aka vitamin P), and calcium that's included in the white parts not only the vitamin-C-rich, juicy part. Bioflavanoids work together with vitamin C so they're best taken at the same time.
Have you ever had capillaries (tiny little red lines near the surface of your skin) showing? One way to maintain the healthy structure of those blood capillaries and support their thin walls is by consuming lots of citrus! While bioflavanoids or vitamin C are present in a myriad of foods, citrus has them both. What a great way to take in nutrients that support circulation and brighten your complexion!

….And this is such a simple method to ensure the assimilation of these nutrients. I really started with just blending up peeled citrus, which was amazingly yummy by itself, but then I started adding a thing or two because, you know, I always try to get the most out of everything….use whatever I can as a delivery system for other nutrients. Why not?! So, I'll give you the variations I've been really enjoying. If you can find tangerines (I love Satsumas, but others will work), use them, and if not, try to combine different types of oranges or even pomelos.

Pretty Complexion Citrus Blend 
(Makes 1 pint, fills a mason jar)
Basic Version
6-7 tangerines + 1-2 orange OR 4-5 oranges

Enhanced Delivery*
6-7 tangerines + 1-2 orange OR 4-5 oranges
pinch or two ground cayenne pepper

Anti-inflammatory Boost
6-7 tangerines + 1-2 orange OR 4-5 oranges
pinch or two ground cayenne pepper
small slice of ginger

Spiced Up 
6-7 tangerines + 1-2 orange OR 4-5 oranges
pinch or two ground cayenne pepper
small slice of ginger
couple of dashes of ground cinnamon

Superfood Brightness
6-7 tangerines + 1-2 orange OR 4-5 oranges
pinch or two ground cayenne pepper
small slice of ginger
couple of dashes of ground cinnamon
small handful of goji berries

*you can read about the health benefits of cayenne pepper here

Peel the tangerines by hand and leave all the white stringy parts attached. Peel the oranges using a knife and leave as much of the white part attached as you can, simply removing a thin layer with all the zest.
Leave all the seeds in as well. The point is to keep the fruits as close to whole as possible. Eating whole foods is what's always best. The pith (the white parts in citrus) contains the bioflavanoids and is the part of the fruit that is high in calcium. This helps balance any acidity and having all the fiber in there slows the absorption of sugar. You will end up with a pulpy blend for sure if you use tangerines and practically a mush if you use a lot of/only oranges with all the pith.

Blend all ingredients you chose to use and drink slowly or take it with you in a mason jar or bottle.
It travels well so it's great to take along with you to nourish your body while on the go but if you're using mainly oranges you might want to take a spoon with you. These concoctions can become very thick over time and the longer they sit, the more of the juice is absorbed by the pith so they will get even thicker. Taking a long-stemmed spoon along with you wherever your raw lifestyle takes you is a very good idea anyway and it might just come handy!

…And just watch, your skin will thank you for this!

Have a bright and juicy day!

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