
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rawsagna Made Easy

My fridge was still full of zucchini a while back (yes, I know, I didn't have the chance to put this up before now) and so all I needed was some mushrooms because, as you probably agree, the rest of the ingredients are regulars in every raw foodie's pantry. Lasagna is definitely not an everyday dish at my home but it's great food for entertainment. Even guests who are not familiar with raw food will appreciate it. And the best part: it's sooo easy to make, you will not spend all day in the kitchen.

(Serves 2)
1 large zucchini, for the "pasta"

~10 button mushrooms
1/4 red onion
shoyu sauce
optional: bell pepper, other veggies

6 sundried tomatoes
1 large heirloom (or other kind) tomato
chunk of onion
2 cloves garlic
few leaves of fresh basil
1-3 tbsp shoyu sauce
2 tbsp olive oil
sea salt

Nut Cheese:
1/2 cup Brazil nuts
sliver of onion/clove of garlic
optional: salt

1. Start by soaking the sundried tomatoes in a bowl of water for several hours (or at least as much time as you have).
2. Chop the mushrooms and the onion into small pieces. In a bowl, mix them with shoyu sauce and marinate your filling in the dehydrator for a couple of hours.
3 Peel and then slice the zucchini lengthwise into thin, lasagna pasta-like sheets. Place them on a mesh tray and dehydrate them for an hour or two but check on them every so often to make sure they don't dry out.
4. Blend all of the sauce ingredients until it reaches a smooth consistency, taste test and add more seasoning if necessary.
5. An hour before serving time, spread layers of the marinated mushroom, thinly sliced vegetables (if you're using any) and some sauce on the zucchini sheets (except for a couple top layers) and dehydrate them further for an hour at 118 °F (48 °C). Spread only tomato sauce on the top layers. 
6. For each serving, layer 3 sheets with filling and top with a layer of zucchini with the sauce only. 
7. Grind the Brazil nuts, onion/garlic, and salt in a spice grinder or make a larger batch and then you can use a food processor. The extra nut "cheese" you'll have will last several days in the refrigerator. 
8. Sprinkle the lasagna servings with the "cheese" crumbs and decorate them with fresh basil leaves.

It sounds like a lot "to do" but it really is effortless and worth the while. If you want to make a savory dish for lunch, dinner, to impress guests you have over, or to take to work the next might just want to make this.

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