
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Figs In Thumbprints

I got figs! My dear colleague keeps bringing me goodies and a few days ago freshly picked black mission figs were hiding at the bottom of the brown bag he walked in with. Can you believe I had never had fresh figs in my life? Somehow, I never felt the urge to try. Well, that's the past. The now is filled with cookies because my very favorite cookies were teff cookies that were filled with figs. I'm still dying to have the recipe but I can't get a hold of the person who made them for a co-op in the Southwest. Oh well, they were not raw anyway. You know what's next, right? One day I'm going to try to recreate them with either teff flour or sprouted teff grains. That's the future. But to concentrate on the "now", I'll share with you these almond based cookies...

Almond-Fig Thumbprint Cookies
(Makes 16 cookies)

6 pieces of fresh figs/other seasonal fruit/perhaps rehydrated dried fruit

Aren't they beautiful?!?

Cookie Dough:
2 cups almonds*
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/4 cup ground golden flax seeds
1-2 tbsp (or more) coconut sugar / other sweetener
1-2 tbsp water
pinch of salt
Optional: seeds from 2 pods of cardamon

* I soaked mine, which adds moisture so if you skip the soaking you'll need to add more water / liquid sweetener. Use your judgement.

1. Process the figs into a jam-like paste, remove from the food processor and put it aside.
2. Without rinsing the processor, place all of the cookie dough ingredients, except for the water, in the processor and make them into a paste. Keep an eye on it while it's being processed and add water as necessary.
3. Roll your dough paste into a ball and divide into quarters, then repeat. This way you'll end up with 16 cookies of the same size. Roll the chunks into balls now and press down at the center of each with your thumb. Do this before transferring them onto the dehydrator screens, that way you can make corrections if a cookie spreads open too much, etc. When done, place them all on a screen.
4. With a tiny spoon, scoop some filling into each dimple.
5. Place cookies in the dehydrator and dehydrate them at 115 °F (46 °C) for a few hours, depending on how moist you like them. They stay very soft on the inside even after 5-6 hours of "baking" but the time depends on your location, machine, how much food you have in there all at once, etc.

In you haven't eaten them all yet while checking on them every now and then...they're great cookies to add to a lunchbox. These cookies are also perfect when having people over who have never tried raw foods. It's time to inspire them.
Enjoy!!! : )

Notes on Nutrition
Both main ingredients, figs and almonds, are high in fiber, rich in antioxidants and minerals, and have anti-cancer properties.
Traditionally, figs are known for enhancing sexual desire but that's not all! They're rich in calcium, magnesium, manganese, and potassium. They will strengthen your bones, keep your eyes healthy, and some claim they even help provide relief from a sore throat. I haven't tried this remedy yet. Have you? If you have, please comment below! Thanks in advance. : )
And, as far as almonds, here's what I wrote about them before: they are among the most nutritious nuts. They have loads of fiber and are especially high in manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin E and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Their high mineral content helps build and maintain strong bones, while the fiber helps in the prevention of colon cancer. B vitamins and vitamin E (an antioxidant), along with calcium, magnesium, and zinc are very important brain foods. A lot of us are deficient in magnesium (do tight muscles or muscle spasms/quivers sound familiar?), which is not so hard to acquire, but it’s a water-soluble mineral so it’s important to replenish your body with adequate amounts on a daily basis! What foods are good sources of magnesium? Good news: nuts and dark chocolate are among the richest sources of this essential mineral! Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats, which will help you keep your heart healthy. They’re a really good snack choice for diabetics too, because they’re high in protein and low in carbohydrates. 

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