
Friday, September 23, 2011

Yam Chips

It’s always good to have some savory snackables on hand too, right? Here’s one that will replace the ever-so-addictive, store-bought, chips and will satisfy even my vegan (but not all raw) husband! : ) Truth be told, he was the one who made the first batch of these! 


Yam Nutrition
These sweet tubers are full of health benefits. They have anti-cancer properties, loads of beta-carotene for your eyes and plenty of B vitamins, especially B6, which is good for your skin and keeps your nerves healthy. Thanks to high amounts of potassium, they can help stabilize your blood pressure and maintain normal heart functions, and since yams are very rich in copper they might even help you get rid if gray hair!

Raw Yam Chips
Olive oil
Optional: Red or chipotle chili powder/your favorite spice


Shave yams (using a peeler) or slice as thinly as possible. Toss with olive oil, salt and chili powder (if you choose to use it) and lay on teflex sheets. Dehydrate at 115 °F (46 °C) for several hours, until desired crispiness.
Alternative: if you don’t have a dehydrator, you may use your oven with just the pilot light on, or on the lowest setting (keep in mind though, it won't be raw if you go above ~ 115 °F). Share with friends!

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