
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


…So my best friend visited me for a few days all the way from New Mexico! : ) On her “things to do list” were: learn how to surf, learn how to prepare raw dishes, and visit a raw restaurant! Besides teaching her some of my simple recipes and quick plates like smoothies, cauliflower salad, salad dressings, one day we headed to the raw restaurant that was my first, back in the day! Needless to say, the Los Angeles area is a raw foodist’s mecca and it’s easy to find something raw vegan on the menu even in the endless number of vegan restaurants around. And the raw ones… Oh, heaven!


Euphoria Loves RAWvolution, Santa Monica, CA
I first ate at Rawvolution in February of this year, on Valentine’s Day, and I screamed “This is my new favorite place!” When I was asked a few days later, on my birthday, where I would like to go, I said THERE! So I ate there twice that week. That day, the second time I ate there, I decided to go raw (maybe 80% first), and five days later I started my journey. So while this restaurant was not where I ate my first raw meal, it was the first 100% raw place I ate at, and the experience marks a milestone in my life. My friend’s not even a vegetarian and, like most of us, at first she couldn’t even imagine what can possibly be prepared raw. All that changed the moment we got our food; she’s in love too! So what did we eat???


RAWvolution Review
For starters we got the Cheese Stuffed Jalapeños, which came with mayo. They were pretty tasty but too dry for me. I wouldn’t order them again (but I loooved the mayo!!).


My friend got a Tiger Roll for her meal, which was a special that day so it’s not on the menu. It was a coconut wrap filled with marinated vegetables, with cucumber salad and some cashew cheese sauce on the side. It was divine! It reminded me of Indian food, hmmm.


I couldn’t resist but order what I always get, the Nachos! Yes, it looks like a pile of everything and it kind of is but it’s incredibly delicious! Walnut meat is on the bottom, topped with layers of guacamole, salsa, cilantro, seed cheese, cashew mayo, tomatoes, and served with blue corn chips. So yummy!!!


And of course we couldn’t leave without dessert!
We didn’t have too many to choose from (maybe because it was Sunday afternoon?) and while I was looking forward to getting a piece of chocolate cake, we ended up with a slice of each, Vanilla Chocolate cake and Keylime Pie. All I know is they both had a lot of coconut meat in them and the Keylime Pie had avocado as well. They were very rich and creamy and really yumm but not as fabulous as the cakes I had there before, which were all to die for!


I can’t wait till next time! I hope there will be an occasion soon because I don’t eat out on a regular basis. Anybody wants to come visit so I can take you to RAWvolution???

            Raw * Vegan * Organic


  1. Oh, yes!! I would definitely love to visit you and RAWvolution! Would tomorrow work for you?? ;)

  2. Hope on a plane and come on over! That would be so much fun!!! : )

  3. Thanks, "Nakshatra Foods"!
    I'm glad you find it informative! : )
