
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tahini Tzatziki

What happens when the freshest spring cucumber meets creamy tahini? You end up with a delicious and satisfying salad that will also keep you cool.


My mother used to make tzatziki in the summer time, of course, using yogurt because I wasn’t raised vegan! This healthy alternative is packed full of nutrients. What better way to replace that heavy potato salad on the 4th of July weekend when most of us are already overeating during the family get together!? You really should give it a try, tahini is so yummy and so rich in vitamins and minerals. If you are eliminating all legumes and grains from your diet, incorporating foods that will provide you with high quality protein and all the B vitamins is essential! Tahini makes that list. 

Tahini Nutrition 
The creamy butter of sesame seeds is a very good source of vitamins such as thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (B3), and folate (vitamin B9), and minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and manganese! Thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin are important for energy production. Vitamin B1 supports the nervous system, B2 can protect your cells from oxygen damage and B3 will come handy for stabilizing blood sugar and processing fats. Most of us have heard that folate is a very important vitamin during pregnancy and that a deficiency of folic acid will seriously endanger the development of the fetus. But it doesn’t stop there! It plays an important role in red blood cell and skin cell production, keeps your bones strong, helps prevent osteoporosis and the build-up of homocysteine (which can lead to heart disease), and like B vitamins in general, supports your nervous system. Calcium and iron are commonly referred to as being important but we wouldn’t be able to build strong bones and tissue without a perfect balance between calcium and phosphorus. Most people who eat a high protein based diet would have to worry about getting too much phosphorus but the opposite might be true on a raw vegan diet if you don’t consume enough nuts and seeds. Molasses has been touted as having great benefits for the reversal of gray hair. Why? Because of its high copper content. Guess what, tahini has even more! Copper (and manganese) will help you maintain strong bones and will help your body fight free radicals as well. But it's so high in fat, isn't it? True, but again, it's fat that's good for you! Tahini contains mainly mono- and polyunsaturated fats which lower your risk of developing diabetes! All this adds up to a ridiculously nutritious dressing that is delish.…

(Serves 2)
4 tbsp tahini (sesame butter)
juice of 1 lemon
2 tbsp olive oil
splash of water for diluting
3-4 cloves garlic
1.5 cucumber (or a really large one)
2 tbsp chopped fresh dill/mint/or both
salt to taste


In a bowl, mix the lemon juice with the tahini until smooth. Add the olive oil and some salt. Dilute it with some water to achieve the desired consistency and then crush the garlic and add to the dressing. Chop up the cucumber into small cubes (or shred it if you prefer it that way) and add to your mixture along with the herb(s). Garnish and serve.                                                                 

More info on vitamins and minerals at:


  1. Eating this right now. Incredibly refreshing, especially since it's 90 degrees outside right now :) I don't think there's anything I would change about it. Easy to make, too.

  2. It IS so refreshing. I love it too. :) I just love all of the ingredients in it!...great summer snack.

  3. I Love tzadziki!!!!!!!!!
    have to try this one
    look perfect for summer

  4. Yes, it is a perfect quick summer salad
