
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Need A Drink?

Maybe it's just one of those days?!
How about one that will not only give you temporary pleasure only to make you feel "blah" later but also might just...

- make you feel refreshed
- ease your aches and pains
- help digest your dinner
- help balance your blood sugar levels
- relieve nausea

Well, I've got one for you that could do all that and much more because of the incredible medicinal qualities of the ingredients...Oh, and let's not forget to mention that it's also delicious!

Ready for a refreshing summer drink?

More good news: you can make this in minutes and store a pitcherful in the fridge to have within reach on hot summer days when the numbers are around 100˚F (~38˚C) on the thermometer!

You might wanna make a double-batch to have enough around to share with others!

~ 0.75 L Sparkling spring water (or your favorite water)
1 lemon 
~ 2 in piece (or more, for a strong flavor) fresh ginger root
~ 1 in piece (or more, for a strong flavor) fresh turmeric root
optional: Sweetener of your choice (honey/maple syrup/agave syrup/coconut palm sugar)

To prepare:
1. Juice the lemon, the ginger, and the turmeric and strain the liquid if you wish. It may be a little foamy and if you don't strain it you can just get the foam off the top to end up with a "cleaner" drink.
2. Add your freshly juiced ingredients and the sweetener of your choice to the spring water. Chill if you prefer it cold.

Serve chilled, with or without any ice or at room temperature. It's delicious any way.

Note: being flexible is an important aspect of a healthy, balanced life. Try to experiment with recipes and rely on what you have available. Don't worry about having to substitute some of the ingredients.

For example:
1. Don't have any lemons but you desire the sour taste? Maybe you have raw apple cider vinegar at home!? If so, use a splash of that to make your drink a bit tangy AND you'll have added health benefits from the malic acid and the enzymes in the vinegar, which is also great for helping with balancing your blood sugar levels and it has wonderful cleansing qualities.

2. Don't want to add / or don't have any sweetener? Juice some fruit, a couple of oranges or apples or something else you have around, to add to your drink for a sweeter taste to help offset the bitterness of the turmeric.

Cheers! : )



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