
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Come To My Free Class, Get a Chance to Win a Whole Foods Gift Card, and Enter a raffle to Win Superfoods!

All that in one evening?? Yes! Mark your calendar for June 12th! I'll be teaching a class at Whole Foods at 7pm on Thursday evening.

Topic: Cleansing, to welcome in the summer

Come and learn how to prepare delicious cleansing dishes, such as:

Cucumber Cleanse - A refreshing soup to welcome the summer
Hemp Tabouleh
Berrylicious Summer Salad

Space is limited! RSVP by commenting below and you will have a chance to win a Whole Foods gift card and be entered in the raffle to win cacao, goji berries, etc by Navitas Naturals.*
Is there anything you'd like to learn about (within the subject of cleansing and raw foods) during this class? Share in your comment below!

See You There! 
Don't forget to bring your kids, your questions, and your appetite!

Also, share this free event with your friends around the Bay Area. You never know who will benefit from learning how to make clean, nutritious dishes that are so simple to prepare!

*You must be present to win.