
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Avocado-Seaweed Salad…"Arame Style"

Who eats enough minerals?…..I mean, I don't even know if that's possible. Anyway I'm always on the lookout for more. Truth be told, while I love miso soup (here's a recipe, if you'd like to make some) and nori rolls, and eat dulse regularly, I don't really eat any of the other seaweeds much. Even so, every now and then, I have my moments when I'm inspired to reach for a different kind and here's the result of one of those moments documented…

With fresh spring onions and crisp Persian cucumbers added….mmmm…what's there not to like!?

Arame Salad
red radishes
green onions / spring onions

For the dressing
rice vinegar / umeboshi plum vinegar
sesame oil / tahini
black sesame seeds
chili flakes
salt, if desired

Why Eat Arame?
Seaweeds, in general, are a nutritional powerhouse. They are very rich in minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc), are the greatest sources of iodine, have incredible healing properties, and are alkalizing foods. They have cancer-fighting properties, especially when it comes to "estrogen-induced" cancers, such as breast cancer, for example…..And, as if that wasn't impressive enough, they're anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, full of antioxidants, and are a wonderful food group to make friends with if you want beautiful skin!

Arame is rich in vanadium, a trace mineral that is important for supporting the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates and regulate blood sugar levels. Other great sources of vanadium in the raw foods kingdom are dulse, cinnamon, and cacao.

1. Soak the arame in water for at least 10 minutes and up to half an hour (Save the soaking water for soups or to give it to your plants! It's very rich in nutrients, especially minerals.)
2. Make the dressing by mixing equal amounts of oil / tahini and vinegar and adding some water if necessary to "thin it" to achieve the desired strength. Add salt and chili flakes if you prefer and mix in some sesame seeds. Put it aside.
3. Slice the onions thinly and put them aside to "breathe".
3. In the meantime, slice / chop up the rest of your vegetables and place them in a bowl.
4. Cut the avocado in halves, remove the pit and score them lengthwise and crosswise so that you end up with little cubes, then, using a large spoon, scoop out the fruit and add it to the veggies.
5. Drain the arame and toss everything in a bowl with the dressing. Serve on plates and sprinkle with more sesame seeds.


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