
Monday, February 25, 2013

Special Announcement: Free Coaching For One Lucky Person!

Have you noticed the new header? There will be more changes made around here to honor my two year anniversary of choosing the raw path. February also happens to be my birthday month and I'd like to celebrate all this by extending a helping hand to one lucky person!
I know of the hardships of transitioning to and adopting a new lifestyle. I was raised on all kinds of food that included everything (many things I didn't even want to touch) and only after leaving my nest I turned to vegetarian, then vegan, then macrobiotic, then came raw foods. I know the hardships of transitioning alone and having no support whatsoever. While I had nobody holding my hands throughout these times, I had times when I wished I had someone around for support, or to answer my questions, or help me avoid mistakes. We are very emotional creatures and a lot of times the foods we eat are tied, in one way or another, to the types of foods we crave and can't seem to be able to let go of. This is true no matter what kind of a lifestyle/diet we adopt. We try to create dishes that are similar to ones we love but have ingredients we no longer eat. We long for steaming plates of freshly prepared favorites made from scratch by grandma, etc. We've all been there.
In my 16+ years experience, research, and talking to people going through challenging times and struggling to make these changes I am yet to meet an individual who had a smooth ride. Lifestyle changes take a serious decision, commitment, willpower, and usually a good reason that will keep you going. Sometimes you find a person or a book inspiring but that's not always enough to start you or  keep you on the path.
It is you who will have to do the work.....and I will help. Whether you are just playing with the idea of eliminating dairy from your diet, or need help with grocery shopping and how to read labels, maybe you've been on a 50% raw path and would like to take it to the next doesn't matter where you are... This is for anyone who wants to feel better and is ready to take another step forward.

Why am I doing this?
Besides the fact that I'm so aware of the challenges of such transition, I'm also aware that not everyone has a friend, acquaintance, or any source helping him/her. Also, at the going rates of $50+/hr for health coaching most people can not afford to get help from an experienced person.
This has been the most amazing experience of my life and it is time for me to give back.

Who may enter?
Anyone who is interested in changing his/her lifestyle and improving his/her diet by incorporating more raw foods. This offer is not restricted to those wanting to go 100% raw at all. Whether you're just ready to give up coffee or hamburgers or doesn't matter as long as you're willing to change something that hasn't been working. All I ask for is desire and commitment on your part.
I do NOT ask that you subscribe to or "like" my page or anything of that sort.
This is open to all, however, if you're under the age of 18, I need a written consent from your parents.

How to enter?
There are three ways to enter.
1. E-mail me at Tell me about why you've decided to make this transition, why you think you're the one who should get the free coaching, why you need the support, etc. Provide an e-mail address and/or phone number (if you live in the U.S), and/or Skype contact info (especially if you live outside the U.S. and prefer chatting over e-mail).
2. Comment below and tell your story the same way I just described above.
3. Comment on this post and/or send me a message through the facebook page and tell your short story there.
Note: I will absolutely not share ANY of your information with anyone.
Submit your paragraph by March 11.

How is the winner selected and when is the winner announced?
I will select one lucky person based on the stories submitted so be sure to explain why it is you who needs the support more than anyone else and what the reason is for your wanting to transition and/or what it is you're struggling with.
I will announce who the lucky person is on March 15. Good luck!!! : )


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