
Sunday, October 28, 2012

What's New? Persimmons!

At least they are to me since I never had them until a couple of weeks ago when I was given a bagful of them - I know, I'm such a lucky gal. : ) If they're new to you too I'm pretty sure you'll like them. The stem and the leaves lift right off like a cap and the edge of the skin is exposed. Once you remove the peel you're presented with a soft matter that might remind you of a very ripe mango crossed with some apricots and flavored with dates. Its beautiful, moist, dark orange meat tastes sweet and makes everything incredibly creamy.....yes, perfect for smoothies...but it won't stop there!

The Super Nutritious Persimmons
Persimmons are rich in fiber, very high in vitamins A and C and are good sources of vitamins E and B6. How do they score in the minerals department? As you might have guessed, they're are an excellent source of potassium but would you have figured that one fruit provides you with 9%DV of copper????? That is unheard of among fruits! Copper, in general, is abundant in nuts and seeds but a fruit being so rich in this mineral is a god-given! To top it all, they're extremely rich in manganese and believe it or not, a persimmon is a complete protein too. Ok, so what does all this gibberish translate to? You should get some for its antioxidants and wonderful gut-cleaning properties, eye sight protection, gray-hair reversal qualities, skin nourishment, etc, besides the taste and fun of it all...
For an easy start, why not make a persimmon smoothie?

Persimmon Smoothie
(Makes 1 pint)
2 persimmons
1 banana
1 large peach or 1 cup frozen peach chunks
1-2 cups water / juice of your choice*
1 tsp cacao powder

* Depending on how thick you like your smoothies (some rather drink it some like to make it into a pudding-like consistency and spoon it up) you will want to add more liquid to any smoothie you make with persimmons than you usually do because it will come out VERY creamy and NOT pourable with the same amount of liquid added when other ingredients are used.

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Ok, I'm off to make pie... Happy Sunday! : )

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