
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Broccoli Salad

Got broccoli?.....


…then you got good quality protein, loads of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, and folate. It doesn’t stop there! It’s not only a cruciferous vegetable that helps prevent cancer but also a very good source of highly absorbable calcium. Also present, and in high amounts, are magnesium, manganese, iron, and pantothenic acid, which all aid in calcium absorption. And guess what?! Tahini happens to be a very good source of calcium as well (among other minerals)… So pairing these two up is like a therapy for your bones! : )

Greens are always emphasized and discussed in the raw community. Recipes for juices, smoothies, salads, and even some desserts call for them. Doesn’t if feel like broccoli has been left out? Variety is key to health and I think I can speak for most of us: we don’t eat a great enough selection of foods. We all have our favorite few and stick with those, ok maybe slip in something different every now and then, but not often enough. I know I need to widen my horizon and remind myself of the existence of other vegetables and fruits and nuts and seeds….and go beyond the few I eat on a daily basis.  
But how to eat broccoli raw? Well, this is one, delicious way….

Broccoli Salad
Serves 1
2 tbsp tahini
juice of 1 lemon
splash of umeboshi vinegar
2 pinches of salt
water as needed
1 large floret broccoli (about 1.5 cup chopped)
1 slice red onion
red chili flakes

Make the dressing by mixing the tahini with the lemon juice, the vinegar, and some salt. Mix well until you get a completely smooth consistency. Add enough water (~ 1 tbsp) to end up with a pourable dressing. Make sure to do a taste test and adjust the ingredients….remember, it’s all in the dressing!
Chop up the broccoli into small pieces and place in a serving dish. Break apart the onion slice and spread the pieces on top of the broccoli. Drizzle your veggies with the dressing and add some chili flakes.
Crunch, crunch…

Featured in Funky Raw, UK's raw food magazine

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